Friday 24 August 2012

kabbadi instruction | instruction of kabbadi | kabadi instruction | instruction of kabadi




        Prepare the field. Kabaddi is usually played on soiled grounds where there is a lesser chance of injury during the tussle between the opposing teams. The dimensions of the kabaddi field are 12.5 m by 15 m with a line separating the field into two equal halves.

        Prepare the teams. Kabaddi is played in shorts. No footwear is allowed. Players' nails must be properly trimmed and greasy substances, such as body lotion, are not allowed on the body. Items that can cause injury, such as metallic jewelry, must not be worn during the game.


        Position the teams in their respective fields. Have the team captains advance for a coin toss. The team that wins the coin toss takes the first go at raiding the opposing team.

        Select one of your team's players to raid the opponents. The selected player will march into the other side of the field chanting "kabaddi kabaddi" all the way over. He must touch one of the opponents and then flee back to his own territory. The opponents, who must be positioned together holding hands or shoulders, cannot stop your player until he touches one of them. As soon as one of the seven players is tapped, the opponents will rush to stop the player from fleeing to the other side of the field. If your player successfully makes his way back home without going out of bounds or being stopped by the other team, your team scores a point. If the other team captures and stops him, he will be out.

        Start the next round with one player from the other team's side entering your field, tapping one of your players and then attempting to rush back.

Tips & Warnings

    Play kabaddi for a preset time or until all players of any one side are out of the game. In the latter version of the game, the side that holds the ground until the end is the winner.


A player shall be out if any part of his body touches the ground outside the boundary but during the struggle a player shall not be out if any part of his body touches directly the ground or a player who is inside the boundary. If any player goes out of the boundary during the course of play he shall be out. The umpire or referee shall declare such player out by shouting his number.

 If an anti or anti's who have gone out of bounds hold a raider, the raider shall be declared not out. The anti who have gone out of bounds will only be declared out.

When a side sends more than one raider at a time, a warning shall be given by the umpire or referee and if in spite of the warning, it continues to do so, the umpire or referee shall declare all the raiders out except the first one.

If a raider, while in the opponent's court, loses his cant he shall be out.

No anti shall willfully push the raider out of the boundary by any part of his (anti's) body, nor any raider shall willfully push or pull an anti or anti's out of the boundary. If the raider is pushed outside the boundary or the anti is pushed or pulled outside the boundary, the umpire or referee shall declare the raider or the anti as not out and the anti or the raider who pushes out, pulls the opponents outside the boundary shall be declared out.

As long as a raider has not reached his court, none of the anti's shall touch the ground of the raiders court, beyond the midline with any part of his body. If he does so, he shall be out. If an anti or anti's who are out, holds a raider or have violated the said rule while holding or helping to hold the raider, the raider shall be declared not out and the anti or anti's who touched the raider's court shall be declared out.

A raider or an anti is not to be held by any part of his body deliberately other than his limb or trunk. The one who violates the rule first shall be declared out. The umpire or referee shall declare such raider not out

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kabbadi instruction
instruction of kabbadi
kabadi instruction
instruction of kabadi

1 comment:

  1. Kabaddi is usually played on soiled grounds where there is a lesser chance of injury during the tussle between the opposing teams please tell me prokabaddi4 Scheduled games rules and team list
