Wednesday 29 August 2012

How to play kabbadi | how to play kabbadi | how to play kabadi | how to play kabbadi game


Player 7, a raider from Team A raids the court of Team B and in the bargain touches the back of player 2 of Team B. Team A gets a point, but player 2 of Team B remains in court. One point for each touch is awarded and the team, which gets maximum points by the end of the stipulated time, is considered the winner. 

Team Game:

Kabaddi is a team game. Two teams, each having 7 in court players, compete with each other to get higher scores. Individual brilliance is exhibited when a player raids the opponent’s court. The team spirit, the team togetherness and team strategy comes into play when an opponent raider enters your court. The most important player requirement is stamina and lungpower. You should be able to keep your breath for a long time without any break in between. 


From your team you have to send, one player to the other teams court to raid. The raider starts from the centerline uttering aloud, “Kabaddi, Kabaddi, Kabaddi…” without any break. He would be actually running from one side to the other side of the opponent’s court trying to touch either with his hand or leg an opponent. 

     Once he touches an opponent, he will, without breaking the “Kabaddi, Kabaddi…” rhythm
come back to his court through the center-line. The people he had touched are his teams point scored. If he had touched one player, it is 1 point and if he had touched 3 players, it is 3 points to your team.

Defending and holding the raider:

The objective of your opponent, when your player is raiding them is different. They, as a team, would like to thwart the raider’s effort to score by touching any member of the opponent’s team and devise ways to trap and catch him without allowing him to get back to the center line and thence to his court. If the raider is caught and loses his chanting breath"Kabaddi, Kabaddi, Ka…” he is considered out.


If your team, because of its excellent efforts, makes all the players of your opponent out, your team is entitled to get 2 points as a bonus. This is known as “Lona”.

If kabaddi is too physical for you, try these easy flash games Car Games or gamble online where instead of physical skills you will require mental prowess

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How to play kabbadi
how to play kabadi
how to play kabbadi
what is kabbadi
how to play kabbadi game


  1. check it out also for other kabaddi matches....

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